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Interface: MiniMapProps ​

Table of contents ​

Properties ​

Properties ​

ariaLabel ​

• Optional ariaLabel: null | string

height ​

• Optional height: number

inversePan ​

• Optional inversePan: boolean

Enable inverse panning, i.e. drag minimap to move viewport in opposite direction

maskColor ​

• Optional maskColor: string

Background color of minimap mask

maskStrokeColor ​

• Optional maskStrokeColor: string

Border color of minimap mask

maskStrokeWidth ​

• Optional maskStrokeWidth: number

Border width of minimap mask

nodeBorderRadius ​

• Optional nodeBorderRadius: number

Node border radius

nodeClassName ​

• Optional nodeClassName: string | MiniMapNodeFunc3

Additional node class name, can be either a string or a string func that receives the current node

nodeColor ​

• Optional nodeColor: string | MiniMapNodeFunc

Node color, can be either a string or a string func that receives the current node

nodeStrokeColor ​

• Optional nodeStrokeColor: string | MiniMapNodeFunc2

Node stroke color, can be either a string or a string func that receives the current node

nodeStrokeWidth ​

• Optional nodeStrokeWidth: number

Node stroke width

offsetScale ​

• Optional offsetScale: number

Specify minimap scale

pannable ​

• Optional pannable: boolean

Enable drag minimap to drag viewport

position ​

• Optional position: PanelPosition

Position of the minimap PanelPosition

width ​

• Optional width: number

zoomStep ​

• Optional zoomStep: number

Specify zoom step

zoomable ​

• Optional zoomable: boolean

Enable zoom minimap to zoom viewport

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